Monday, January 26, 2009

Cretin Watch begins

Today I realized how often I've used the word cretin lately, so I alerted my friends and associates that this year, 2009, would be a Cretin Fest. Let me catch everyone up to speed.

You'll be seeing me use the word cretin a lot this year. For 2009, that is my word for all the people, with their crazy ideologies, that want to make the rest of the world the cause of their probs and woes. You'll see this word in reference to those who would blame others for their sitch and not take any responsibility for their lives, or the improvement of such. This use will unfortunately cover a large swath of people.

The definition of cretin- 1) one afflicted with cretinism 2) an idiot

This is a much nicer word I think you can agree, than one any of us might use. So you have my permission to join me in my 2009 Cretin Fest, because I think it won't be hard to find them. Watch you'll think of me, when you run across one. If you have friends you believe to be interested in our Cretin Fest, please share with them.

And so today I rec'd my first contribution from Deb- found here:

You will find these are the head cretins right now!! It is absolutely objectionable these men can say these things out loud and NO ONE decries them as offensive to the rest of the nation, our safety, or fairness (let's talk about fairness). Was the New Deal specifically to a certain group of workers?? Assuming that equal rights did not exist, it might have been slanted, but was it?? Did they outrightly debate the target as no male blacks??? Or did they give opportunities to those who sought them no matter who they were?? Is it worthy to expect that the infrastructure investment we make and rely on last yet another 50 yrs? I think so, so why should people (no matter their color or sex) be allowed to tamper with the safety, effectiveness, or quality of our roads, electric grids or bridges or railways??? I do want qualified professionals to do these jobs, I want people who show up to work each day and are not doped up, drunk, or high. I want the same standards to be met so that lawsuits don't abound when these cretins get hurt on the job costing US, the taxpayers, even MORE!!! What do you do with an entire subset of the population who has no interest in working when there is work to do??

And better yet- THESE cretins in Washington debating this think the middle-class is too busy working!!! to care about what is going on. How abt all those people hurt or killed on that bridge that failed in Minn?? Think they want unskilled people to build new bridges or to inspect them? Where is all the oversight going to come for these people who don't know for these non-professionals? I've already said too much for my first entry, I need to stop.

I'm telling you, cretins will be abound this year!! So send me your cretins and I will be proud to display them for all to shake their heads at and wonder what in the world has it come to?

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